Health and Safety Excellence Program – Whats the Point?

If you have a company where safety is any kind of concern – and in 2021 that is just about any company – then you may have heard and wondered about the WSIB’s Health and Safety Excellence program. This is a program put on by the WSIB and third party providers, such as Aceis Group, that is mean to incentivize and help with a companies health and safety goals. This can mean many things for many companies though and depending on the size of your company or type of work you perform the HSEp can provide different oppurtunities.

A Push in the Right Direction

One of the big aspects of the Health and Safety Excellence program is that it forces your company to set specific goals when it comes to the health and safety management within your business. Health and safety has many different aspects and requires some time and planning. Planning doesn’t have to be hard but setting aside the time to do so can be a bit more difficult. This can usually end up in health and safety getting pushed to the side until a major incident takes place. Being proactive is a much better approach to the health and safety of a workplace and the Health and Safety Excellence program requires your company to choose specific topics and set specific deadlines to meet them.

Assistance Along the Way

If you are reading this it is safe to say you have read through a good amount of legislation throughout your work life. The people that write most of this legislation do their best to make things as clear as possible, but, to that end can sometimes leave you reading in circles unable to fully come to a conclusion on the correct interpretation of the laws. With the Health and Safety Excellence program you have a direct lifeline to the WSIB and a third party provider of your choosing to help you along the way. Have a question about how to interpret a specific law or standard? There is someone to help you out with that. No longer are you moving blindly through health and safety hoping that you have done enough to stay on the right side of the laws while also keeping your workers safe and sound.

Recognition and Rebates

As a larger company health and safety may be something that is dealt with by a team of individuals and a bit of assistance is not really something at the top of your requirements. This is where the recognition and reward structure of the Health and Safety Excellence program come in to play. As your company progresses through the program there are potential rebates from the WSIB to help with business costs as well as a levelled badge system that allows you to put yourself above your competition.

The point of the Health and Safety Excellence program is going to be different for each and every company but at the end of the day it is all about keeping your workplace as safe as possible, as effectively as possible. At the end of the day that is a goal that all companies should reach to achieve.

For more information contact us or take a look at our Health and Safety Excellence program rates and services.