4 Reasons for Reviewing Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

The implementation and review of health and safety policies and procedures can be a long and arduous process. For this and several other reasons, many companies’ policies and procedures are often treated as if they are set in stone; not to be questioned, only followed. However, this is an incorrect and frankly irresponsible mentality to have. An efficient and successful business requires regular reviews of its policies and procedures, for a multitude of reasons.

hand reviewing safety policies

Legal Requirement

The most obvious reason to review a company health and safety policy is the fact it is mandated by law to be done on a yearly basis. This can be found in Section 25(2)(j) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act where it is stated that:

“an employer shall, prepare and review at least annually a written occupational health and safety policy and develop and maintain a program to implement that policy”

This requirement is made of the overall company health and safety policy statement but also of the entire company health and safety program. This includes not only the company health and safety policy but also a review of all policies and procedures that make up the company health and safety program meant to implement that policy.

To find out the details or have someone help you with your review process contact us.

Review for New Laws and Regulations

The first and perhaps most obvious reason to regularly review safety policies and procedures of a company are new laws and regulations. Complying with all applicable laws and regulations is of utmost importance and failing to do so can have disastrous consequences for any company. Even if, by some stroke of luck, the business in question is not shut down, its reputation will remain tarnished for the foreseeable future, along with greater oversight and insurance costs.

Review for Effectiveness

A comprehensive review of policies is essential to ensure their continued relevance and effectiveness. By evaluating the alignment between policies and organizational objectives, as well as their practical implementation, organizations can identify areas for improvement and optimize their safety programs.

Engaging employees who directly interact with these policies can provide valuable insights. Their firsthand experiences and suggestions can contribute to the development of more efficient and effective procedures.

The rapidly evolving landscape of technology necessitates regular policy updates. New tools and innovations can streamline processes and enhance safety measures. However, outdated policies can hinder progress and create inefficiencies.

A thorough review should assess the alignment of policies with current industry standards and regulatory requirements. By identifying outdated or redundant provisions, organizations can eliminate unnecessary burdens and streamline their compliance efforts.

Regular policy reviews are crucial for maintaining a safe and efficient workplace. By evaluating effectiveness, soliciting employee input, and staying abreast of technological advancements, organizations can ensure that their policies remain relevant, comprehensive, and supportive of their overall goals.

Review to Reduce Liability

Reducing potential liability is another major reason to frequently review your policies and procedures. Anyone that knows health and safety knows that an employer or supervisor must do everything reasonably possible for the protection and safety of workers. For example, a policy regarding employee conduct written in 2001 will most likely not hold up to the standards of 2025, and as such will leave the company in question open to liability should allegations of misconduct pop up in the workplace. In addition, should the policies and procedures in question be applied inconsistently they may open up liability factors that are unforseen for a company or workplace.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations also have specific responsibilities set out about a company reviewing policies and procedures.

Review as Training

Policy reviews can be a great way to refresh employees’ memories. If you only talk about policies once during training, it’s easy for people to forget important details over time. This can lead to mistakes and problems.

Regular reviews help make sure everyone knows the rules and understands their importance. This can improve efficiency, reduce risks, and help your company succeed.

While reviews might seem like a lot of work, the benefits are definitely worth it. They can help you stay organized, reduce legal issues, and make your company more successful overall.


Find more about how Aceis can help along your companies review process.